Sunday, July 24, 2005

Wedge Issue Opportunity

Leaders of the "church of Jesus Christ", as they like to refer to their dominion, claim that they returned George W. Bush to the White House and that many federal and state elected representatives owe their offices to the voting power of thier "Christian" followers. It is probably safe to assume that a goodly number of these evangelical fundamentalist Christian conservative (EFCC) voters are also believers in young earth creationism (YEC). After all, a criterion for an evangelical or fundamentalist is a belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Accordingly, an EFCC/YEC would believe, among other things regarding our planet, that God's creation (the biosphere (except as altered by the Great Flood), including all animals and plants in their present from) came about in six 24-hour days, that the earth is about 6,000 years old, that Adam and Eve were real people, and that the theory of evolution is a godless, materialistic religion that undermines people's moral beliefs. It is time that politicians from George W. Bush on down be asked unequivocally to state whether they too are young earth creationists like their EFCC/YEC supporters. Probably, some are, but those who are not should be asked to repudiate publicly YEC and affirm their acceptance of the theory of evolution as a valid explanation of the present-day world.

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