Saturday, May 07, 2011

Cardamom Spice Cookies

A fragile, tattered and yellow slip of paper with faded ink bore a recipe for 'Cardemon'. I instinctively knew it was in my grandmother's hand, having seen her handwriting in numerous letters and greeting cards from her. However, I had never heard of Cardemon. So, I googled it and found it under an alternate spelling. In Wikipedia I learned that Cardamom, the Queen of all spices, has a history as old as human race. It is the dried fruit of a herbaceous perennial plant related to the Ginger family. As with a lot of spices it is from the Middle East and is a favorite of Muslims. I tell this so any patriots out there who want to try this cookie will know that they are sharing a delight of the followers of Allah.


Sugar, 2 C.
Milk, 1/8 C.
Butter, 1 C.
Eggs, 3 (Reserve one white to wipe tops of cookies.)
Baking powder, 3 Tsp
Flour, add until batter consistency permits rolling and cutting.
Powdered cardamom, 1 oz.

Bake on greased sheet at 350 degrees.