Saturday, September 17, 2005


While listening to the Tony Snow Show (FOX News - Fair and Balanced), I heard Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi during an interview refer to a verbal gaffe, such as he made at a certain Southern senator's birthday celebration, as the act of overspeaking. So, rather than 'opening mouth and inserting foot', you 'overspeak'. Don't you just love the spinsters, not the old maids, but the pols?

Actually, 'overspeak' isn't such a bad construction when the other available words are considered like outspoken, which is defined as expressed with boldness or bluntness, or free, unreserved speech. 'Overspeak' is more descriptive than 'outspoken' when adverse consequences result from ill-advised comments, such as Trent Lott losing his Senate leadership position. You could say that overspeaking was the result of thinking out loud, blurting out. speaking one's mind or shooting one's mouth off when the comment is socially or politically unacceptable.

Let's thank Trent Lott for his ability to add to our political lexicon.

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