Thursday, February 22, 2007

Willard Supporters

If you wondered how Ken Willard of Hutchinson got reelected to the Kansas Board of Education ahead of a well-qualified moderate, just consider the tone of these letters that his constituents sent to the editor of the Hutchinson News:

Follow the rules: Please consider that the subject of science in our school systems seems to be a hot topic ever since it was considered as a part of any curriculum. Now consider that the word science comes from the Latin, "scientia," which literally means... "to know." Now, I ask all legislators, teachers and parents alike, how can you "know" something that is a theory?

New commandments: The moderate State Board of Education has saved Kansas from ridicule. With Darwinistic evolution reinstated as the only way to do science in Kansas public schools, I offer this replacement of the Ten Commandments (The Ten Suggestions of Naturalistic Evolution) to commemorate the occasion.

Disturbed by BOE vote: I was very disturbed over the vote of the Kansas Board of Education on evolution.

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