Friday, November 21, 2008

Grief Counseling for Conservatives

Psychologists say there are four stages of grief: denial, anger, depression and acceptance. The stages of grief do not always exhibit in the aforesaid order, because a stage may be but briefly expressed or may be reentered through digression. Signs of these stages of grief are evident among conservatives due to John McCain’s loss in the recent election for Presidential. A sign of denial is the claim that the loss was due to McCain not being conservative enough, that conservative principles were not rejected by the voting majority. Denial says it was a lack of fidelity to conservatism that voters rejected, not the principles themselves. Anger is exhibited in many ways, one of which is letters to the editor forecasting doom and gloom from an Obama presidency and predicting bad things for America. Depression is shown by disengagement of conservatives from their pre-election dialogue with statements that the GOP needs to evaluate itself and reform the party line for greater conformance to the ideals and aspirations of mainstream America, that a cleansing is needed to find happiness again. Acceptance will come later, when the conservatives realize that the USA is not going to hell in a hand-basket, as Democrats together with Republicans cooperate to mold national policy and support its implementation. Acceptance will be shown through expressions of political dialogue without vilifying others with pejorative terms.

Following the psychological theory of the stages of grief, a grief counselor would attempt to help a grief stricken conservative through these stages so they will eventually experience a healing catharsis. As a compassionate person, but not a psychologist, I would be willing to assist a conservative overcome his or her pain from their unfulfilled aspirations of political leadership. For those in denial, I would lead them through a recitation of the GOP line as voiced during the campaign through a smears and proposals for action on various issues. I would patiently help them analyze the smear allegations and campaign promises so they could understand the untruths and impracticalities and see the light. Denial would no longer exist in an enlightened condition where such thoughts are impossible. For those exhibiting anger, I would help them vent their feelings in harmless, creative ways. For example, I would encourage them to express their dogmatic views through writing letters to the editor, posting on blogs, drawing political cartoons, sending emails to political allies and opponents and speaking out in mixed company even if politics is not the topic of the moment. I would ask them to show their anger by contributing funds to the maximum of their ability to their party and losing candidates. Eventually, they’ll get over it as they realize the energy and money spent will not change the outcome of the election, and then acceptance will occur.

Well, Mr., Mrs. or Miss Conservative, I’m ready whenever you are.

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