Friday, September 09, 2011

Pass the Jobs Bill

I listened to Obama's joint session speech. I liked what I heard. I agree with the proposals to grow jobs. Congress needs to do what Obama said. "Pass the American Jobs Act right away."

Americans should realize that if the President fails, the country fails. Is this what the Republican party wants, failure? If we can't learn from history, what will provide the lesson that creates recovery from this deep recession. A failed Presidency got is into this mess. A successful President Obama can get us out of it.

Senator McConnell was quoted in the news media as saying that Obama's jobs proposal is merely a re-election plan. When that statement comes from a man who has said that the goal of the Republican party is to make President Obama fail, I have serious doubts about a Republican controlled House of Representatives passing tht American Jobs bill. Let's hope I'm wrong, because if Obama fails, America fails. The stakes couldn't be higher.